Our service operates across West Lothian. We provide support to people whose mental health/addiction issues impact on their lives and have been assessed by West Lothian Council.
The service aims to support people to remain living independently and safely in their own homes through the provision of housing related support. To develop the capacity of people to maintain their recovery and their ability to live as independently as possible.
What to expect:

Fast Access
...to 1:1 support following receipt of referral from West Lothian Council.

Named Key Worker
...who will work with you to develop an initial action plan that focuses on your individual needs. This plan will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect your changing support requirements.

Planned Exit
Our service is voluntary and available for as long as you need it. You can end this service whenever you wish; however we would encourage you to discuss this with the local authority as part of a review.
Support is available on a 1:1 basis and focuses on your identified goals.
The support builds on your existing strengths, increasing you confidence, social connections and natural supports. You key worker will help you to develop a plan that focuses on your recovery and sets personal goals that work towards you becoming more independent.

We support service users to:

- Improving your skills in managing your home.
- Support that helps you to deal with finance and budgeting.
- Developing a more structured and rewarding daily routine.
- Information and access to a range of self-management tools to enable you to develop improved coping mechanisms.
We are always here to answer any questions – please get in touch here or call us: Livingston 01506 411569
- wcarmichael@lamh.org.uk
- 07870 596139