Our charity shop in Hamilton is staffed almost completely by volunteers and relies entirely on the generosity of their time, and your donations. Read below more information on the charity shop - and what you can do to support!

We are always looking for pre-loved items for our shop, so if you have anything – please get in touch to arrange a suitable time for donations.
Please note: Due to coronavirus please pre-arrange drop offs.

Pick Ups
If you have large items, or a lot of items please contact the Charity shop on:
01698 284233
01698 284233
and we will do our best to arrange to pick up you pre-loved items!

The service is supported by volunteers. If you could offer at least 2 hours/week of your time we would be be happy to hear from you.
01698 284233
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am-3pm
Saturday: 11am-3pm
Sunday: Closed