Gifts in wills can make a real difference to our ability to help people who are struggling with their mental health take positive steps to long term recovery. Of course, it is natural that you consider friends and family first. Once you have provided for your loved ones, leaving a charitable gift is the best way to be sure the causes that you care about are supported. Don’t forget, leaving a gift to charity can also reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax you pay.

If you would like to support us in this way you can:
- Leave a fixed sum of money. This is called a pecuniary bequest.
- Leave a gift of the remainder of your estate after family and friends have been taken care of and debts paid off. This is called a residuary bequest.
- Leave particular named items as a gift in your will. This is known as a specific bequest (eg. a piece of jewellery)
If you do decide to leave a gift to LAMH it is very important to include our name, address and charity number on your will.
Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health
17 – 19 Cadzow Street
Charity number SC014040
When drawing up your will LAMH recommends using a solicitor or professional will writing service. If you don’t have a solicitor you can find one by contacting the Law Society of Scotland on 0131-226-7411 or visiting their website at
If you already have made a will you can make a small change to add in a gift to LAMH. Any change or addition that you make to your will is called a codicil.