Do you want to become part of something, and make a difference?
Membership Could be for you.
The Benefits of Membership
Why become a member?
Who can become a member?
The Benefits of Membership
- Invitation to participate in regular membership meetings and Annual General Meetings.
- Meeting people who care about mental health issues.
- Keeping up to date with Organisational and mental health developments, events, changes.
- Being able to voice opinions, suggestions, share ideas.
Why become a member?
- To become involved and support a local charitable organisation.
- To further your interest / knowledge of mental health issues.
- Opportunity to be involved in community activities relating to mental health, including fundraising.
- Opportunity to meet people and become involved in social activities.
- To give something back to the organisation.
- Opportunity to become a Board member.
Who can become a member?
Anyone with an interest in mental health! This includes service users, and carers. We pride ourselves on having a diverse membership to reflect the values of the organisation.
“You are part of a group with like-minded people who understand
and can empathise.”
If you would like to become a member, please fill our the below application form.
Your application will be considered at the next Board of Directors meeting and you will be sent correspondence confirming the outcome of your application. You will pay a few of £1 for your yearly membership, this is returnable if your application is not accepted.