North Lanarkshire SELF DIRECTED Support Service provides anything from a few hours to 24 hour support to people who require assistance managing their mental health and maintain independent living.
What we can offer you.
This includes (but isn't limited to)
- Accessing Exercise/Sport/Leisure related activities.
- Accessing Educational/Skills activities
- Accessing Group Activities - opportunities to meet with others with similar experience or develop activities.
- Support to find activities you might enjoy or find interesting.
- Encourage development of strength and skills
- Support people to identify and achieve their hopes and aspirations.
- Support people to use their local community.

You can access one or a combination of supports that help you lead the life you choose. You can arrange as much or as little support as you want.
Our Strengths:

Support is reviewed with you to make sure it is helping, and any changes made to meet any new ideas or experiences you are looking for

We work when and where suits you.

Person Centred
We work together with your needs at the centre of any work

At times and on days that suit you.
Our Staff Qualities
- Friendly & approachable.
- Have local knowledge.
- Genuinely listen to what you are saying.
- Get to know you and how you like to do things.
- Will work at your pace and are patient and considerate.
- Work to support you with what you want to achieve.
- Have good knowledge and awareness of mental health issues.
- Fully vetted, trained and given ongoing support to be able to offer you good and quality support.
How can I access this service?
Our service can only be made available via self directed support arrangements following assessment and approval be social work. If you have any questions, please contact us below: